How to fulfill your desire by Mantra Jaap

Fulfill all your desire by mantra jaap. Mantra chanting is not complicated, using mantra chanting for accomplishment is simple. You just need to be punctual and dedicated towards your dream. Now just chant the mantra at your home for your wish and experience positive changes in your life. You will feel positive changes around you and you will connect with many people related to your dream who can be helpful in fulfilling your dream.

You can use mantra Jaap:
For business growth
For increase in wealth (for wealth)
For early marriage
To strengthen relationships
For delay in having a child
for healthy
For prosperity
For education
for promotion
For meditation

Rules of Mantra Sadhana:-
1. Bathing is necessary to purify the body. Bathing provides coolness to the body. Which also affects the mind. Before starting any virtuous work like worship, worship etc., one must take bath. If there is any kind of compulsion in the body, then sadhana can be started by washing hands and mouth or wiping the entire body with a wet cloth. Wear one undergarment and another undergarment on the body. Warm clothes can be used in autumn.
2. A secluded place should be selected for meditation.
3. Special attention should be paid to the posture while sitting. In Sadhana, sit cross-legged and keep the spine straight.
4. Use asanas suitable for meditation among Kushasana, silk asana, woolen, deer skin or tiger skin etc.
5. Chanting should be done facing east in the morning and facing west in the evening. In some specific practices, direction should be considered according to the means. Sadhana in Brahma Muhurta is considered best.
6. Sadhana should always be done at a fixed place. The place should be pure and clean. Do not change the location.
7. While chanting the rosary, one should not violate Sumeru, that is, while chanting, one should reach Sumeru and then turn the rosary upside down from there.
8. It is best to use a chanting rosary with 108 standards.
9. While chanting the mantra, the rosary should be kept in Gomukhi.
10. Dancing, moving feet etc. while chanting is considered prohibited.
11. While chanting, keep the mind pure and honest.
12. While chanting, sound should come from the throat, lips should also move but the throat sound should be such that it cannot be heard by the person sitting nearby.
13. The items left over from the puja should be collected and taken to the river and flowed.
14. Sadhana should be done only under the guidance of a qualified Guru.
15. During the Sadhana period, if there is a compulsion to immerse the feces, then sit again after washing hands, feet, face etc. and turn a rosary of penance.
16. While chanting in the morning, the rosary should be in front of the navel, in the afternoon in front of the heart and in the evening in front of the forehead.
17. For sadhana or mantra jaap, one must take initiation (Mantra Diksha) and for chanting, use Mantra Siddha Pran Pratistha Mantra Jaap Mala for mantra jaap.
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Mantra sadhana siddhi depend on sadhak's faith and devotion on Guru , Isht and Mantra.

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